Children’s Health

When you’re a parent, one of the most important things in life is the health and well-being of your child. At Service Street Medical Centre, we understand what matters to parents when it comes to the health of their children. We are committed to providing the best health care for your child and provide a range of children’s health services to give you peace of mind.

Children’s Health Services

Our comprehensive range of children’s health services includes:

Childhood asthma is a common problem, but we take it seriously. We can tailor an asthma management plan to suit your child’s individual needs.

We offer immunisations from birth up to the teen years. Our team can offer advice and discuss any concerns you have.

Tonsillitis and middle ear infections are common children’s health problems. We can provide diagnosis and treatment, or a referral for specialist care if necessary.

Bronchiolitis, respiratory allergies, and conditions that cause wheezing can have an impact on your child’s quality of life.  Our team is experienced in the diagnosis and management of respiratory illnesses that affect children.

Not every child develops at the same rate, and some need a little help. Our team can give advice on learning difficulties, bed wetting, speech delays, and behavioural issues. We can also arrange referrals for specialist care in these areas.

Allergies are common in childhood and we understand the impact they can have on the whole family. Our doctors are experienced in treating a range of allergic conditions.
Anaphylaxis is an allergic condition that can be life-threatening, so we take it seriously. Our doctors can help with a management plan and advise you what to do in the case of an emergency.

While most types of eczema are not allergies themselves, the disease can flare up in response to things that cause an allergic reaction. When the immune system overreacts to something in the environment, outbreaks of eczema can occur. We do our best to treat and prevent eczema, helping your child to live without the symptoms of eczema.

Being an adolescent isn’t always easy and we understand that sometimes your teen needs extra help. We can treat adolescent mental health issues or arrange a referral for counselling or specialist care.

Sometimes surgery is required to correct birth conditions or subsequent problems. Our doctors have experience in diagnosing conditions that require surgery. We are able to provide referrals to surgeons you can trust.

Baby and Infant Health

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to when you are concerned about your baby. Our team is able to provide comprehensive advice and professional care for your baby. Our baby health services include:

  • Feeding advice
  • Weight and growth checks
  • Immunisation
  • Breastfeeding advice
  • Settling and sleep strategies
  • Advice on caring for a fussy baby
  • Growth and development assessments
  • Treatment for common illnesses
  • Education and support for families

Make an Appointment


At Service Street Medical Centre, we understand your concerns as a parent. We are committed to offering quality children’s health services and look forward to providing ongoing support and care for the whole family. Call our friendly team on 03 5141 0811 to find out more about how we can help you, or make an appointment using our online booking service.